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EXCLUSIVE Digital Innovation eBOOK

Unlocking thriving towns through digital innovation

Struggling high streets, out of date processes, diminished community engagement and inability to share data across teams, boroughs and counties plagues local governments.

Local authorities across the UK are still heavily reliant on older technology and IT infrastructure leaving the public sector scrambling to rectify policy issues and play technology catch-up. 

With a focus on thriving towns and improving access through digitised and standardised data, this eBook will make the case for embracing innovation and digital transformation today, not tomorrow, to ensure authorities are equipped with the tools and solutions they need to take on their most urgent challenges.

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What's in the eBook?

We want to lift the lid on innovative projects and demystify digital transformation, you will get the latest on:

  • Innovation funding and the private sectors role in transforming local governments
  • The key projects and milestones powering the future of mobility
  • The opportunities unlocked through data standardisation and kerbside innovation
  • Private sector case studies tackling urgent local authority challenges
  • Funding options and the case for adopting innovation in the wake of Covid-19

Meet the Contributors

Read the latest thinking and case studies from these innovative GovTech providers
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“Authorities are faced with sizable hurdles on their path to digital transformation, but the immediate challenges of today require the innovative tools of tomorrow.”
Gaist Logo


“Unparalleled levels of detail enables councils to make well informed decisions and a proactive approach towards repairs and maintenance which provides them with better value-for-money.”
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SSE Enterprise

“Providing councils with greater insight into the pollution levels outside schools may contribute toward tailored policies that encourage parents to use sustainable travel methods and engage with public health campaigns.”
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“Detailed imagery captured from a mobile mapping survey can enable councils to save costs whilst improving staff productivity and customer satisfaction.”

Ready to download your free eBook?

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