New year, renewed hope and new opportunities to help cities thrive
Well here we are, January 2021. If you’d ask me this time last year what I thought the year ahead would look like I’m sure a global pandemic would have been the furthest from my mind. But here we are, we’ve made it through one of the most tumultuous years in modern history, and in my opinion, we’re stronger as a company and industry for it.
They say times of crisis breeds innovation and I believe this year we will see the fruits of last year’s initiatives. Whether that’s local authorities implementing innovative active travel schemes, or fleets using the latest tools and data to optimise their operations as home delivery becomes the go-to form of shopping for households across the nation.
At the heart of these initiatives has been the unprecedented levels of collaboration between the public and private sector. This degree of collaboration and knowledge sharing has enabled projects to roll out at speed. Many of these collaborations have arisen in the spirit of national unity and cohesiveness but, if we are to carry on innovating and striving towards more healthier, liveable cities then I implore industry to continue collaborating. It is imperative if we are to “build back better.”
AppyWay has been there every step of the way and we feel an immense sense of pride at being able to help our public and private sector partners continue their work, enabling communities to thrive against the backdrop of a once in a generation pandemic.
We’ve on-boarded a number of local authorities to our traffic order management suite, helping them to manage traffic orders efficiently online, and guaranteeing business continuity when they needed it most. We have also welcomed new fleet customers whose services have been key during the pandemic. Through our data offering they have been able to unlock revenue and take back driver time. This has ensured that communities and businesses continue to thrive during government imposed lockdowns.
The team and I have lots to share with you over the coming months including excellent new case studies, exciting projects and partnerships, and of course, new innovations. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and experiences through our content. You will be able to tune into webinars, get stuck into eBooks, or keep up to date with the latest news and thinking via our blog.
The pandemic is not over and there are still many unknowns ahead of us. But there is so much to look forward to (not least getting the vaccine!) and we’re thrilled to have you on this journey with us.

Happy New Year from AppyWay